
How to Master Self-Defense

Self-defense methods are not created the same. There are a couple of tried and true self-defense methods that can definitely help if you want to learn how to defend yourself during a dangerous situation.  

If you have enrolled in a Washington DC martial arts club for self-defense, here are a couple of tips you can follow: 

Always Be Ready 

Just being ready is one vital thing that you have to do. This means you’ve got to be prepared for anything. Be ready to fight wherever you are if you’re in a situation where self-defense is required. This means that the attacker might want to fight in extreme weather or on the ground in a parking lot and you will have to look for a way to rise to the circumstance. Students learning how to fight in realistic environments is one of the greatest things about the self-defense training of martial arts. The advantage of martial arts is that you will know how to defend yourself in all types of situations. It’s an actual life setting, it isn’t simply a classroom setting.  

Be Aware of Your Surroundings 

A lot of self-defense class instructors will tell you that being aware is extremely crucial. The key to staying safe is to be in tune with the environment. Travel in a group if you can, have your keys in your hand before you head out into the parking lot, and know where the exits are. You have probably read a lot of various awareness tips before. If that’s the case, you should always remember it since it’s a huge part of safety. Right now, you can begin practicing awareness. You should locate the exits and take note of the surroundings in the next 3 areas you visit. Also, you should always have a plan to escape that area if you see something suspicious.  

Keep Calm 

The ability to stay calm in a dangerous situation is one of the most difficult things to overcome. If you think that you don’t know what to do if there’s an attacker, don’t worry. You aren’t alone. Learning how to stay calm in a life-threatening situation is one of the greatest components of taking a martial arts class. Real-life training scenes will help you get ready if you ever find yourself in a situation where self-defense is required. Staying calm will help you think more properly and make ideal decisions. This can help you save your life.  

Know The Basic Pressure Points on a Body 

The body of a person has a couple of pressure points. This includes the shins, groin, neck, and eyes. It can generate crippling pain if pressure is applied to these areas. This can be extremely useful if you have to defend yourself. Giving a fast blow to the shin of an attacker can offer you enough time to run away. You might again offer enough pain to the attacker if you are close enough to go for the eyes. The objective here is to provide yourself enough time to run away.